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was a little way of Mother's on
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where! She thought of the only other time she had been lost in the wild
wilderness of London - though not lost as now - and went that way. If Mr Dombey
were here, Captain, you might be obliged to leave in a more ignominious manner,
possibly. I merely say, Go!' The Captain, laying his ponderous hand upon his
chest, to assist himself in fetching a deep breath, looked at Mr Carker from
head to foot, and looked round the little room, as if he did not clearly
understand where he was, or in what company. 'You are deep, Captain Cuttle,'
pursued Carker, with the easy and vivacious frankness of a man of the world who
knew the world too well to be ruffled by any discovery of misdoing, when it did
not immediately concern himself, 'but you are not quite out of soundings, either
- neither you nor your absent friend, Captain.